
June 20, 2006

Go Corea!!!!!!

Hello all! So it has been a while since I have done an update... so here goes.
This is a pic of me white water rafting in Korea! It was unbelievable!!!! The scenery was amazing. We passed 3 waterfalls that were breathtaking. It was level 3 water, so not to dangerous at all, but still VERY fun!!!! It was a 4+ hour rafting trip. About half way through we stoped at this amazing beach and relaxed. They made a slide out of all the rafts for us. There was also a point where, of course, the boys decided to push everyone in... over and over again. All in all, it was one of my most amazing days here!!!!! PERFECT weather!!!
This is a picture of Tabs and I on our way to the pub here in the park. It was the first game Korea played in the World Cup. THEY WON!!!!!!!! Hooney, the local pub owner here, gave everyone free beer when they won. Thanks Hooney!!!! You haven't experienced a sporting event until you have experienced a soccer game here, not to mention the World Cup. And this was just in a pub, wait till you see the other pics I have...
This is Tash, another one of my good friends here. This is that same night at the pub when Corea won. No, I did not spell Corea wrong. This is the way half of the people here spell it. There is a myth that it was spelled this way because when Japan invaded Korea, they didn't want Korea to be alphabetically before them. They didn't want Korea to be before them EVER, nor did they want Korea to walk before them in the olympics, so they (Japan) changed the spelling from a "C" to a "K". This is just a myth though. It is just how people prefer to spell it. Which seems wierd to me. You can find shirts, historical memorobilia, etc. with both spellings. I find this very interesting. This pic has no relevance to that, I just thought it was a cute pic... hahahahaha!!!
So here it is... I went to City Hall here in Seoul, Korea for a live viewing of the World Cup Game... Korea vs France. I can not even begin to explain this experience to you all. The amount of people was astounding!!!! EVERYONE in Korea in red with devil horns. It was just a sea of red with glowing red horns... INCREDIBLE!!!! It was just breathtaking to see.This day started Sunday at 8am. Work. I worked until 6pm. We left for the game around 8pm. Got into Seoul and watched the end of the Japan vs Croatia in some little bar and did some pregaming. We then went back out to City Hall where we watched all of the Brazil vs Australia game, and of course, the Korea vs France game. The Korea vs France game was incredible! France scored within, I believe, the first 10 minutes. The game stayed 0:1 for almost all of the game. We were all loosing hope with Korea to score. Then, five minutes left, KOREA SCORES!!!!! Now mind you, it is about 5:15am. ALL OF THE THOUSANDS OF KOREANS jump to their feet and start screaming and hugging everyone. It was one of the most incredible things I have experienced. It was like a whole country coming together!!!!!! Korea pulls off a tie with France. While it's not a win, it wasn't a loss either. We didn't get home until 9am on Monday. I think I am starting to get to old to pull these 24+ hour days, but it was worth EVERY second and I would do it again in a heart beat!!!!!! And I plan to....
Here is a little Korean pride from a die hard American Girl!!!!! LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL TONS!!!!!

June 1, 2006

My Room...

Ok, so here is, as promised... a tour of my room/apartment in Korea. ENJOY...

This is my building... Residence #6 also known as Pluto.
Here is my entrance. Pay close attention to the gold street sign on the top left of the door... yes, I do live on BROADWAY!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!
Here is my door... Pluto #202.
This is what you see when you open my door...
My closet which is to your immediate left when you enter my room...
My bathroom to the right...
The shower...
This follows my closet on the left... note the really cool people that made the fridge... See that white and black thing right after my fridge, that is my hot plate. And my washer is at the end of the pic. Make sure to look right above the washer... yes folks, that is my rice cooker. I am officially Korean. HAHAHAHA!!!!
Here is the view from the other direction. The TV they provided for us. Yes, I do have a water cooler, but it is only because they told us that "The water is OK to drink, but I wouldn't." Needless to say... I got a water cooler.
Here is my desk with my fabulous lap top that I bought before I came. I figured that this was a good time to purchase one as it was going to be my main means of communication with you all. Besides, it was 2006 and I hadn't, yet, bought a computer of my own. WHAT?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Here is my room with the bed put up...
And here it is with the bed down.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed your virtual tour of my room. It's no USA home, but it will do. LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!