
February 4, 2007

Day 3 - Delhi, India Day Tour

Day 3 - Friday, January 19th - Delhi, India Day Tour

This morning specifically started off VERY interesting. I remember getting ready to open my eyes after a suprisingly great dream, and I hear "pddddddd... pddddd". I was a bit confused. I open my eyes, and low and behold, above me on my ceiling fan is a pigeon sitting there starring at me!!! As I am sure most of you have guessed, I calmly got up and helped the pigeon to safety back out the window from whence it came. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright!!!!!! I FREAKED OUT!!!!! As my heart is racing, I pulled the blankets up so that only my eyes were showing. Now while, looking back, I KNOW that a pigeon is NOTHING to be afraid of, imagine waking up in a foreign country to see one in your room. Now I think how glad I am that it didn't poop in my mouth!!! HA!!! However, back to the problem at hand... a pigeon is in my room, how do I remedy it? After about a minute, (which felt like hours) I muster up the courage to quickly pull the covers down so that my mouth is showing, yell "GET OUT!", and quickly cover up to my eyes again. Now while in my head, I sounded VERY threatening, I guess the pigeon didn't think so... he didn't move. UGH!!!! I then realize that if I want this pigeon to leave my room I am going to have to BE BRAVE and COMANDING! So after another minute of preping my confidence, I yell "Get Out! GET OUT!!!!". The pigeon didn't really look so terrified, but he kindly obeyed my wishes and left through the window that he came in from. WHEW!!!!!! I, of course, stayed under my blankets for a bit longer just in case he decided to come back again. He didn't.

I got up, and started my day which included a shared shower... AAAAHHH!!!!! Nothing like a cold shower in a shared bathroom. I return, not happy, from my COLD SHOWER... TWO PIGEONS IN MY ROOM now!!!! He decided to bring his friend back to show how rediculous this American girl really was. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say to myself is... "Really, is this for real?!?!?!?". Now with my head peaking through my room door I yell, "GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!!!". They kindly leave my room. See, India is making me tougher already!! :) I now go into my room and get dressed as fast as possible, all the while keeping one eye on the window at all times... ready to yell "GET OUT!!!" at any moment. As soon as I was dressed, I went downstairs to the Travel Agency in the hotel to see what I could set up tour wise. A tour that was not just for me, but a tour that TashM could meet up with me at any point without any problems.

Amar was the travel agent that helped me downstairs. He was very nice and helpful. He also got me a new room to switch to, with a window that would close. YAY!!!! I got a tour set up for an AMAZING price! We would travel Delhi, to Jaipur, to Agra, and back to Delhi. I COULDN'T WAIT!!! Now all that had to happen was that I had to get Natasha back to me!!!! I knew that she wouldn't be able to get to me today, so I went off on my tour of Delhi, sadly, without her.

I went back up to my room to get my luggage to switch it to another room. AAHHH!!!!! The two pigeons are back in my room!!!!!!! Luckily though, as soon as I swung opent the door, they flew out of the window. I would like to take credit for being brave and swinging open the door without a worry, but it was only because I was SO excited to be switching rooms that I had forgotten about the possibility that there could be pigeons in my room. I FLEW out of the room in no time flat to a GREAT new room with my very own bathroom!!!! YAY!!!!!

On to the next, my tour of Delhi... I came downstairs to meet my taxi/tour guide for the day...

His name was Denish. (above) He became a great friend throughout my trip. More on him later.

Denish and I started at Jama Masid, which was a temple. My first in the line of many... and yes, those are pigeons. It's like they are haunting me!!!!! But they make the picture great!!! HA!!!

Here is another picture of it. Yes, more pigeons!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

This is a moment that I captured of a small Indian girl enjoying simplicity...

The next place we went to was Lal Quila Restort, AKA The Red Fort. This was a pretty cool place but there was HIGH security here as the 26th of the month the President of India was coming and they started locking down MANY areas and securing them early on.

The next place we went to was Humayun's Tomb. This was one of my FAVORITE places in Delhi, I DEFINITELY had to make sure to bring TashM back here when she finally gets to me.

This is just a cool picture in the doorway of the enterance to the actual tomb... cool, huh?

This is a picture of the tomb. It was BREATHTAKING!!!! It had this undescribable peacefulness about it. I spent a LOT of time just walking around and enjoying the little things. Letting the sunshine hit me, and taking in it's warmth that it offered.

After Humayun's Tomb, Denish took me to a resturant for lunch. It was a quaint little resturant that I didn't have to worry about the food being safe. This was one of the benefits of Denish. Above and beyond him being GREAT and kind, he worked for the Indian Government, so he knew where was safe and gave me pointers on different things throughout the trip.
Lunch was over, and I was walking out of the resturant back to the taxi, and all of a sudden I heard this cool sounding music. I turned around to the music and jumped about ten feet back and screamed... IT WAS A SNAKE CHARMER WITH A COBRA!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! NEVER a dull moment with me that is for sure!!!!! Well, needless to say, EVERYONE in the vacinity was laughing hysterically at me!!!! Not just the Indian folks, but all the Westerners in the area too. Glad to know that I can make people smile!!!! hehehe

Here is a picture of a snake charmer and his SCARY cobra's. I swear the one on the left is looking right at me!!!! And all I could think was, "Is this man CRAZY getting that close to the cobra's?!?!?!?!?!?", I mean COME ON!!!!! This is a picture of a snake charmer DAYS down the line. I don't have a picture of the one that scared me half to death as I wasn't really thinking to take a picture at that moment. This is one that TashM took later on... YES, she DID get to me eventually... YAY!!!!!

Next was Bahai's House of Worship, AKA The Lotus... WOW!!! This was AMAZING!!! The purpose of this building was, put simply, for prayer. It didn't matter what religion you were, as that wasn't the reason for it. It was simply a place to come and be closer to God. You weren't allowed to take pictures inside as it was a Holy Place. You will just have to trust me, it was BREATHTAKING!!!! God was so apparent at every point in my trip to India, and it was WONDERFUL!!!! India taught me so much about my spirituality, but I will talk all about that at the end of my India/Thailand blog.

Next was the "India Gate". There is a lot of history to this, the major importing and exporting for India. We weren't allowed to go in as the 26th and security was high. But we did drive by it and take a picture.

Here is a picutre of India's equivalent of The House of Congress. This is a government building which behind it was the presidents house. We, of course, were not allowed inside because of the 26th, but here is a picture with a pretty sunset.

Finally, we ended our tour of Delhi with Lakshmi Narayan Temple, AKA The God of Gifts House. It was beautiful!!! This was another place that we weren't allowed to take pictures inside, so you are going to have to again trust me.

Let's play a game with this picture... "Where's Tamara?"... Can you find me? Denish took this picture for me.

We returned to the Hotel Ajanta after a full day of touring. I was a pooped puppy!!! I ate dinner in the hotel resturant, and went to check my email and make some calls. Checked up on my TashM... tell her that I MISS HER and that everything will work out. She was pretty positive that she would be with me tomorrow... YAY!!!!!!! She did, kindly inform me, that she still had "Bangkok Belly", and I told her again that I would make sure to let everyone know. There you go my dear TashM. Her song is now... "Two Nights in Bangkok", which I sang to her. hehehe I called Mom and gave her the low down as to what was going on, and to let her know I was OK, and then I went to bed... in my room with windows that closed, my own bathroom, and NO POSSIBILITY OF PIGEONS getting in!!!! Ah the simple things to appreciate!!!!!

After a very prosperous and adventureous day, Day 3 comes to an end... still without my TashM... :(

Just a side note... you all know how I like things to be meticulous... I can't get this blog to space out evenly with spaces and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!


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